It pressures my mind a body and it gets to the point I lose control. You see I have more powers than I let on having, but those powers come with a price. “That was my older sister, and one day I will be just like her, but not for the reason she said. I don’t know why I was telling him something I had never even told to Bruce and Dick, but I felt I could trust him. That nightmare was a memory of the night my parents were killed. “I’m curious as to how you were able to see it, but you’re both right and wrong. That wasn’t possible I only had a link with Dick and manhunter at the time. “What was that I saw earlier? I know it wasn’t a nightmare it was something different.” He asked looking me dead on and I froze he had seen that. “Well you just did but you can ask another if you wish.” I told him warily and sat down next to him. “Can I ask you something?” He asked me and I raised an eyebrow. “You okay dude? I’m pretty sure I didn’t hit you that hard.” One dark blue eye opened and stared up at me. I stared down at him as he lay on the ground eyes closed. I quickly dropped down and swept his legs out from under him before he could recover. I came at him with a false punch that he blocked allowing my other fist to sink into his solar plexus. “I see you took Canary’s training to heart,” He nodded completely focused. I smirked at his shocked expression and flipped backward on to my feet. I dropped to the floor and his foot sailed over my head. My eyes widened, I did not want to get kicked in the ribs by a guy with super strength. He started off by coming at me with a punch which I dodged but was caught off guard b his roundhouse kick to my ribs. So anyway would you like to train with me?” He nodded and followed me back into the main room. “Sorry, thought you heard me come in with your enhanced hearing and all,” I apologized “As for why I’m here. “The hell are you doing here?” he demanded. “Are you seriously watching a Spanish sop opera ?” I asked him and he jumped. I stared at the t.v trying to figure out what the hell he was watching.

He was sitting in the dark staring absentmindedly at the t.v. Walking into the lounge I recognized super boy. Sure enough after a minute I recognize the slight buzz of t.v static. Entering the cave I stopped and listened for any tell tale signs anyone was awake. Sunglasses at night genius, stupid bats and his rules about secret identities. “Recognized, Shadow Cat B00,” the automated voice said and I quickly walked through making sure my sunglasses were on.

The little scanner ball thing dropped down to scan me.

I started for the zeta tube and typed in the coordinates for the cave. I quietly slipped into the batcave and quickly looked around for it. With that I head for the Batcave knowing there would be a Zeta tube there.

I wonder if anyone at the cave is still awake. I practiced gymnastics to keep myself flexible and limber after a couple minutes I gave up bored. Since sleep was impossible I pushed myself back up off the ground and started doing gymnastic routines.
My body was all jittery and full of energy. I laughed quietly and shook my head at this point sleep was impossible. Several hours later I collapsed on the floor breathing heavily glancing at the clock I saw it was well past midnight. I fell in sync with the beat of the song and started going through the maneuvers batman had taught Dick and me. I ran forward and started with some simple flips, rolls, cartwheels to warm up. I hit play and smiled as the beat of Evanescence’ song what you want pounded through the speakers. Walking over to the stereo I scrolled through the songs until I found the one I was looking for. It was where I went whenever I needed to work off some steam, and after that nightmare I had a lot of steam to work off. I stood in the center of the manor’s giant gym it was an acrobats dream come true or nightmare whichever you prefer.