Learning hangout spots can be a huge benefit to ranking up with all your confidants. Selecting a fun hangout spot is a good way to earn bonus reputation with someone when you're in between rank ups. If you just see a blue card, that means you need to spend time with them before you can get to the next rank. If their name is greyed out, that means you either have not reached a requirement of their social link or you haven't spoken to them since you reached the requirement. If it says " Up!!" over their name, you can rank up with them. The best way to do that is by bringing up your map to see which areas have the blue card icon and then hitting Square over the location to see who is available. In most cases, you'll get a text from someone who wants to hang out with you, usually to progress your social link with them, but sometimes you have to go and look for them. Some days, confidants will be around in their locations, but you won't be able to spend time with them. Use your time well as you don't have forever.

Spending time with your confidants will be your primary source of game time outside of Palaces. Building relationships with your confidants will give you more abilities, bonuses, and items as you progress and they are a cornerstone of the Persona series. Confidants are Persona 5's version of Social Links. This page details IGN's Persona 5 Confidants guide.